It all started early 2020 when I found my love for running. I ran but I wasn’t a “runner”.

After a few conversations with a neighbor who was an Ultra Runner, my curiosity grew and suddenly, I convinced myself to sign up for my first 50k. After some long overdue training- physically and mentally, I finished the Wild Duluth 50k in Duluth, MN. From there, I haven’t really looked back. In 2021, I took a deep breath and decided to throw myself into the land of the 100 mile races, three to be exact; Zion 100, Leadville 100 and The Bear 100 and then the Wild Duluth 100k.

My wife and son had volunteered to crew/pace me at three of these events and without their support I would have never had the success of completing all of them in my first year of Ultra Running. Each event was a learning experience, and many lengthy discussions took place after each race. Notes were made, skills were formed, and the crewing/pacing process became a journey we still are refining today.

While I fell in love with the running scene, my wife fell in love with the crew/pace scene. We spent many hours sharing stories about each of our experience during those past 24+ hours and as we sat around and planned the next few races, we fell into the revolving door of “what if we had this..” and “I wish I had known this..” conversations. We realized that the runners are always provided with a lot of information prior to the race but the crew team gets left to figure it out themselves and this my friends, is how UCH was born. We wanted to provide a resource to the entire team, not just the runner. We wanted to have a platform that brought everyone’s needs and ideas to one place- whether it’s a runner needing a pacer/crew team or a crew member gathering insight to the journey ahead of them.

UCH is an open table for all runners and crew to sit around, plan races, share stories and build relationships that will hopefully last a lifetime. So, as you plan your next running adventure, we hope that the UCH community provides you with everything you need. Good luck!


UCH Founder, Mason Boswell – First 100mi Ultra, Zion 100.