Running Hardrock will, hopefully happen one day, but if you are not selected in the coveted drawing then this article is for you.
The Hardrock 100, as we know it is arguably the most coveted ticket on the planet when it comes to trail running. The first Saturday each December is the one time in our lives when we hover over the drawing and cross everything, including our souls in hope that our name is drawn.
After the drawing 2021 was completed and the results posted, it was going to be a special year. Killian and Francois (if I need to give last names here, then maybe you should take up knitting…lol JK, but seriously!!) were both running the 2022 HR100!!! Not to mention, Courtney, Jeff, Daniel, Dakota were just a few to toe the line. This coming off an epic duel between Francois and Dylan the year prior. It was a must see in the making, I had to go.
I was committed, planned the trip and couldn’t wait until the day arrived that I would making the drive to Silverton. I mean what the hell.I was running Ouray100 the week after and getting out to watch HR100 was the perfect excuse to “acclimate” for Ouray.

Lets get into it. We will break it down short and sweet, outline the best of what we expereinced and let you decide for yourself when your out there.
Lodging. There are many opportunities in the area depending on what your taste is.
For camping information at its finest visit These guys have it all. With an interactive map and 360deg views of the sites it makes it easy to research and find the spot for you. From the famed Amphitheater and Thistledown sites in Ouray to Molas Lake and Eureka near Silverton there is plenty to satisfy the need.
Ultimately we chose Eureka Campground just 15 minutes outside of Silverton. At 25/night for a spot or 45/night for a spot with electricity we found this place perfect for our needs. With an abundance of firewood, quiet nights and pit toilets it was a great experience. It is also mentioned that this camp spot sits at 10,000 feet of elevation, so if you acclimating for HR100 or a future race this is the spot.
Food. Coffee Bear is arguably the best spot to snag a cup of coffee and breakfast. The menu at Coffee Bear is one of the most simple ones I have ever seen. Great simple selections and ample portions. My go to was the vegan burrito and it most certainly did not disappoint. Other options on the menu were most certainly raved about. I don’t think, whatever your diet is, would you be disappointed. Next up was Golden Block Brewery. Not only do they have a great beer selection but the wood fired pizza was off the hook. Well, at least it felt that way after a long day in the San Juan’s, but I can guarantee the food here will satisfy those pangs.
If you not in the mood for dining out, the local store has plenty of groceries that you can stock up on, if you have not already. We did manage to cook a few dinners by fire while taking in the stars from our site at Eureka.
Services. Ok, this is where I will fill you in on a little secret…almost speakeasy like. One morning we were a bit taken back by the line at the Bear a noticed that just across the street was a place that seemed to serve coffee. At first we wondered if it was even open, but decided to venture over and see. To our luck it was open, served coffee and pastries to boot. What the hell, they even had WiFi so we decided to post up. It was when we noticed this place had “soaking tubs.” We asked about this and this is where it gets mind-blowing. In the back are three pools ranging from 99deg-103deg (Fahrenheit) and get this, for $12 you can get a cup coffee and soak from 8am-10am after this its $18 without coffee. They have shows as well and this is where it pays for itself when dry camping. I mean, come ‘on coffee, hot tubs and a shower for $12, complete no brainer. So while you are there you have to check them out. I am hesitant to add the name but if you have made it this far in the post, than by damn you deserve it. Please check out Shangri-La on your visit. I promise you will not regret it.
Next up for those that stay for an extended time, Silverton has a laundry mat that is small but packs a punch. I had a weeks worth of grungy items and it was less than 2 hours and $10 (in quarters) to come out smelling like a new man.
So this about sums up my experience camping out prior to and over the HR100 2022 event. I am sure there are things I forgot about, but in any case i hope to see you there and for sure any day between 8am and 10am you will know where to find me.